Most people just drive their car when moving to a new location, but what if it is a great distance or overseas? In such situations, the answer is simple to ship it!
What is auto shipping? The simplest answer is that it's a way to ship your car, much the same way that you would ship other items from one place to another. The trick comes in how large a car is, and how difficult it can be to find a truck or other transport vehicle to take your car to it's destination - sometimes across country. While you might think that you just need to hire a tow truck for this purpose, they often leave your car exposed to many different road hazards during their trip - as the trucks, flatbed or hook trucks, are uncovered.
Most people will drive their car to its new spot, but if you have a valuable car that needs to go a large distance that you may be flying to, the answer to what is covered car transport might be of interest to you. Car transport involves shipping your car in a large truck, one that is enclosed much the way that a race car's transport vehicle is. These are usually trucks that are specifically designed to hold cars, as opposed to semi tractor trailers that are pressed into service.
Car transport companies have to be extremely careful with their cargo, after all, this isn't the same as shipping boxes of books or even home theater equipment. Cars that require shipping can often cost tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars. This means that all cars have to be rigorously inspected before being shipped, so that owners and transporters alike can keep track of any damage that occurs during shipping - even small scratches or scrapes.
The transport company also has to be very aware of other small details regarding their cargo. Most shippers charge car owners by weight to ship their car, so some transport companies will advise car owners to make their cars as light as possible by removing all personal affects, as well as keeping the car's gas tank almost on empty. Cars should also be at their optimal operating level, with the battery charged and tires properly inflated.
For some car owners, the idea of shipping their car from one place to another might seem a bit useless or extreme. But if you own an expensive car that just needs to get from one spot to another, the answer to the question what is covered car transport may be of interest to you.
What is auto shipping? The simplest answer is that it's a way to ship your car, much the same way that you would ship other items from one place to another. The trick comes in how large a car is, and how difficult it can be to find a truck or other transport vehicle to take your car to it's destination - sometimes across country. While you might think that you just need to hire a tow truck for this purpose, they often leave your car exposed to many different road hazards during their trip - as the trucks, flatbed or hook trucks, are uncovered.
Most people will drive their car to its new spot, but if you have a valuable car that needs to go a large distance that you may be flying to, the answer to what is covered car transport might be of interest to you. Car transport involves shipping your car in a large truck, one that is enclosed much the way that a race car's transport vehicle is. These are usually trucks that are specifically designed to hold cars, as opposed to semi tractor trailers that are pressed into service.
Car transport companies have to be extremely careful with their cargo, after all, this isn't the same as shipping boxes of books or even home theater equipment. Cars that require shipping can often cost tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars. This means that all cars have to be rigorously inspected before being shipped, so that owners and transporters alike can keep track of any damage that occurs during shipping - even small scratches or scrapes.
The transport company also has to be very aware of other small details regarding their cargo. Most shippers charge car owners by weight to ship their car, so some transport companies will advise car owners to make their cars as light as possible by removing all personal affects, as well as keeping the car's gas tank almost on empty. Cars should also be at their optimal operating level, with the battery charged and tires properly inflated.
For some car owners, the idea of shipping their car from one place to another might seem a bit useless or extreme. But if you own an expensive car that just needs to get from one spot to another, the answer to the question what is covered car transport may be of interest to you.
Aazdak Alisimo writes about covered car transport for CoveredCarTransportQuote.com where you can get a car transport quote for domestic and international moves.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aazdak_Alisimo 
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