Saturday, April 28, 2012

Do It Yourself Car Maintenance: Spring Maintenance Auto Checklist

Spring is a time of fresh starts and renewals. Extend the "spring cleanup" you give your house and yard to your vehicle. You'll not only improve its performance and lengthen its life, but you'll spare yourself time, money and aggravation.
Spring Checklist #1: Items You Can Perform On Your Own
Whether you do the work yourself or depend on a professional technician, getting your vehicle in shape now will undo any damage caused by winter driving and keep you safe on the road this season.
    1. Remove clutter from your car. Vacuum the carpeting; Windex the windows; wipe the headlights with a soft, damp rag. Wash and wax your vehicle to remove winter salt and grime and protect the finish. 2. Cooling system (radiator): flush and refill according to the service manual's instructions. The level, condition, and concentration of the coolant should be checked periodically. Important: first let the engine cool down before removing the radiator cap. 3. Skipping oil changes can greatly reduce your vehicle's life. Change the oil and oil filter as specified in your owner's manual. Be sure to properly dispose of used oil. Replace other filters (air, fuel, PCV, etc.) as recommended in your service manual. 4. Check your tires, including the spare. Let them cool down before checking their pressure. Uneven wear, cupping, vibrations, or pulling to one side indicates problems with your tires or suspension system. 5. For safety and convenience, inspect all lights and bulbs, and replace any that are burned out. 6. Replace worn wiper blades and always have plenty of washer solvent on-hand to combat summer's dust and insects. Read your owner's manual and follow the recommended service schedules.
Don't miss Part 2 of this series: RK Auto Group Spring Checklist of Services to schedule with your Qualified Auto Technician.
© 2006 RK Auto Group
Tom Kline is Controller of (RK Buick, RK Chevrolet, RK Subaru, RK Scion and RK Toyota).
During his 15-year tenure Kline has worked in the Sales Department of RK Auto Group, Parts, Service and Body Shop, Leasing, Collections, and Management Information Services. RK Auto Group, located in Southeast Virginia, has been recognized as one of the top 100 Chevrolet dealerships in the nation. Founded in 1964, this award-winning dealership sells approximately 9,000 vehicles per year.
RK Chevrolet is the recipient of Chevrolet Motor Division’s coveted Service Supremacy Award four years in a row. This is an award which less than 400 of the nation's 5,000 Chevrolet dealers have won. The dedication of each employee made these awards possible.
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Cheap Car Tires

The Easy Way to Buy a Car With Bad Credit

A Step-By-Step Tutorial: How to buy a car with bad credit without it turning into a nightmare.
Are you tired of hearing the word 'No' when it comes to a car loan? I set up 'How to buy a car with bad credit' specifically so that you could hear the words 'yes'. Who am I, you ask?
I spent 14 years in the automobile business as a Finance Manager so I believe it's fair to say that I know a thing or two about getting a loan financed, irregardless of your past credit history.
Remember, regardless of your past credit history, you still need a car, want a car and most of all, you deserve a car. You should also be treated with respect and given choices. I'm going to teach you how to have a choice with auto bad credit financing loan.
First of all, all lenders now purchase deals based on what is called a beacon score, which is the same as your credit score. There are three credit bureaus that make up the package. Each lender will choose whichever credit bureau(s) they prefer when looking at your credit or a combination of bureaus.
I highly advise everyone to have all three credit bureaus pulled when checking your credit and to pay for the credit score. If you only look at one bureau, you're only seeing part of the whole picture.
With the exception of a few minor things, beacon score will play a large part in your approval. Staying within your financial means is another, so be realistic. If you make $2500 per month and have $1200 going out, don't walk in all high-and-mighty and tell the Finance Manager that you will only have an Expedition or nothing. You'll end up with nothing.
In order to effectively use auto bad credit financing, you are going to have to know what your credit looks like and what your credit score actually is. Otherwise, you are working in the dark.
Pay for the credit score or it's just almost useless. With the credit score, you will know whether or not you qualify for a lender such as Ford. Also, the higher the score, the lower the interest rate. Got it? With an auto bad credit loan, the higher the beacon score, the better.
Let me explain websites like and the such: They collect applications for car loans online. They then have a network of dealerships that PAY them for the leads. These are generally dealerships that have departments that specialize in getting you financed, regardless of your credit. These departments pay for these leads, so most take them very seriously, as they are their bread-and-butter, so to speak.
If you have a lower than usual credit score, a current repo or just plain, all-around bad credit, this might be the way to go. If your credit is really that bad, remember that you are going to need some cash or a paid-for trade in that's actually worth something.
O.K., now for the step-by-step system that I promised. First, take control of your car deal! You need to be in the driver's seat, if at all possible. Go online and run a copy of a tri-merge, which is all three credit bureaus, plus pay for your credit score. You can get a FREE copy of your credit report once per year HERE:
This is the new Federal law that actually entitles you to receive a FREE copy of your credit bureau once per year and with some other exceptions. This is not a credit monitoring site. You have to run each bureau separately; Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. Then, you have to pay for the credit score.
So as to hold down on confusion, here's the scoop: Each credit score for each separate bureau will be different. That's why a Tri-Merge is called what it is called. You can run a specific bureau called a Tri-Merge from one company (there are many-just do a Google search) and you actually get one bureau (it's actually all three combined but the credit score is also one credit score). It's more expensive and generally runs around $34.00 but it just depends on your preference.
Now, with your credit score in hand and a copy(s) of your credit bureau, look at your credit. Do you have anything strange on there that is not yours? If so, it's time to fix it. You should review your credit bureau at least every 6 months to a year. Plus, if your identity has been stolen, you will know quickly. P.S. you can also have a liner placed on the bottom of your bureau that simply states "Do not extend any credit on my behalf without contacting me first. Work # (111)222-3333 Home#(222)333-4444 Cell# (333)444-5555." Call or write the credit bureaus and request that this is done. You can now do this online for free. Again, do a Google search for all three bureaus listed above.
How do you fix your credit, you ask? I give away a totally FREE book that I wrote on the subject simply for the asking. Email me with Free Credit Repair Book in the headline and I'll email it to you.
Next in line: Know what you want to buy BEFORE you even go out shopping! Let me make this very clear. Car dealer's jobs are to sell you a car on your very first visit. A salesman/woman and their sales manager believe that if you walk into their dealership and do not leave with a car, you will never come back again. They are going to hammer on you until they either A) Make you mad and you get up and leave or B) Sell you a car. It's the nature of the beast. Accept it ahead of time.
What do you want to buy? Where can you get unbiased information on the auto? Again, Google for Kelley Blue Book or NADA and you can get cost, warranty repairs, recalls, and information on problems and tons of info beforehand. Limit your shopping to three models. Keep it simple. Those will be the ones that you will shop for.
Can you afford the car? You may think you can afford the car, but the bank may think otherwise! I have seen this so many times in my career. Automobile economics 101: Take your gross income (what you make per year BEFORE Uncle Sam taxes you) and remember, this income needs to be provable-tax returns, check stubs with taxes taken out or a W-2. If you are self-employed, you will need two years of tax returns with Schedule C's. This is the income that you actually paid taxes on. Being self-employed can be tough. You may need to combine a spouse's income if you are self-employed.
Now with your gross income figured out, find out what all of your debts are that are going out each month. Include's listed on your credit bureau's. Example: Car note=$450.00 + House note= $560.00 + Credit card debt= $425.00
Boat note= $310.00 Charge-offs=$1200.00 (yes, charge-offs; these are bills that you never paid and they were written off). Add all of your debts up. With just your obvious debts (including the charge-offs), you have $1805.00 per month going out. I arrived at that figure by adding up all the monthly notes and taking 5% of the charge-offs. 5% of $1200.00 = $60.00. We're not through, though. Now we have to figure in cost of living-utilities. Each lender has their own algorithm for utilities but a good range to estimate would be to add $300.00. Now we have a total outgo of $2105.00. This is what you have to have to pay your current bills before you take on any other debt.
Almost all lenders will not allow your new car note to exceed 20% of your current income. For our example, let's assume that your gross income is $5300.00 per month. Let's take $5300.00 and subtract your debts, which are $2105.00. That leaves you with $3195.00. To make it easy, take $2105.00 and double it. That would be $4210.00. That would leave you with disposable income of $1090.00. What the lender is looking at here is referred to as debt-to-income. They want to know if you have more going out than you can handle. This is strictly a case of numbers and provable numbers. If your gross income was $4500.00 and you had $2105.00 in debts each month, you need to be prepared for one of two things; add your spouse's income and your spouse to the deal or trade in the other auto. If your debt-to-income is running too close to 50%, you're going to have a hard time getting a loan for anything. Make sense? The way the bank looks at it is this: you can't afford both cars so they assume that you are going to let the other (older) car go back to the lender-repossession. That's their take. Debt-to-income is a HUGE deal.
In this case, your disposable leftover income is $1090.00. 20% of that would be $1060.00. Whoa! Let me be the first to inform you that you are NOT getting a car payment of $1060.00! Why? Well, you only have $1090.00 left over for starters. Let's be realistic here. Most lenders will slice that in half which will equal $530.00. Your payment call should be around that figure, give or take a few dollars.
How expensive of a car can I buy on a $530.00 payment? Good question and one that you absolutely need to know so that you can pick out the correct car. One answer depends on the term of the loan. You can finance for 36, 48, 60 or 72 months, as a for-instance. That equates to 3 years, 4 years, 5 years and 6 years. I will tell you this: the worst thing you can do is extend the note out the longest amount of time in order to get the payment where you can afford it. That creates a syndrome that now affects over 75% of car owners called being "Upside Down." It means that you owe more on your car than it's worth. It also means that you need more money down when you go to trade it in. The only way around that is a lot of money down or a short-term loan.
You can again do a Google search for a 'car loan calculator'. You will punch in the loan amount you want to borrow, the term (48,60, etc.) and the interest rate. If you have not gotten approved already and know the rate, you will have to guesstimate. Here's a rule of thumb for you-it's not an exact science without knowing your credit, but it is a guide you can follow to get you close. Let's base the rate on your beacon score: that's what most of the lenders are going to look at.
If your beacon (credit score) is in the 400 or lower range, you will need to figure your interest rate on a new car at 21% (state maximums differ-it could be 18%). If you are looking at a used car, figure on 33%. If your beacon score is in the low 500 range, figure your new car loan as you would for the above-mentioned 400 beacon. If your beacon score is in the mid to high 500-range, figure a new car at 18% and a used car at 27%. If you have a beacon of 600 to 649, figure a new car at 16% and a used car at 20%. If you have a beacon score of 650 to 699, figure a new car rate at 12% and a used car rate at 16%. I may be hitting too high on a few of these, but I live in a state that has the highest rates in the nation. Better safe than sorry.
Get Pre-Approved BEFORE you start shopping. This is the easy part, in a way. Remember I told you at the beginning of this article to take charge of your car deal instead of letting the dealer lead you by the hand. It all boils down to financing. If you can walk in with a check in your hand, you are in control. I will recommend a few companies that are reputable, have a proven track record in sub prime loans and all mail the check to you at home. You then go into a dealership and pick out your vehicle, negotiate and buy like a cash buyer! These companies are Household Finance, Capital One Finance, Americredit and E-Loan. You can do a Google search for all four, apply online, and get either an instant approval or one really quickly. When you are approved, they mail the contract to you and then the check. It's that easy.
On the final decision for the car-work smart here. There is nothing more valuable than time and nothing more rewarding than piece of mind. Please don't go running from dealership to dealership. Wrong. Pick out the 3 models of auto that you can afford. If you are looking for a program car (rental), call dealerships and inquire as to whether or not they have any. If you want a new, ask other people that are driving that model where they bought theirs and would they purchase there again. If you start hearing a lot of "I'll never buy from them again", move on. Something is wrong. Your new car is only as good as the service you will get AFTER the sale.
Negotiating-Most people hate this. I have only met 2 people in 14 years that enjoyed it; they were both retired and had nothing better to do. One did it for the fun of it and never even bought if you agreed to his price. Don't waste other people's time. If you don't like the car, don't negotiate on it. When you do find a car that you would own, tell the salesman you'd buy it right then if the price was right and if they provided you with a Car Fax. The keyword here is: 'If the price is right'. How do you know what a good price is? Well...glad you asked. If it's a new car, Kelley Blue Book will have dealer cost. Go to:
If it's a used car, compare used car figures at
What's the difference? Most dealers (with the exception of the West coast) will use NADA as their guide.
Here's what's transpired so far:
Before you ever drove the car, you went by the dealership on Sunday, when there are no salespeople and you got the Vin# of the car and the equipment, year model and had a good look at it. You already know if you like the car when you drive it, that you would buy it. The list price is in your pre-approved check category, to boot. You've already gone online and gotten wholesale, trade-in and retail values for the car.
Retail is what the dealer should ask for the car. This will help you to know whether or not the salesman is trying to add money to the car, or if the dealership is. Trade-in is a figure to gauge approximately what the dealership traded for the car for. It will give you an idea of what the dealer paid for the car, before reconditioning fees and any ticket from service. Now, not every make of car will bring trade-in value. Two that will at this time are a Honda and a Toyota. Those cars will bring trade-in value. Domestic cars generally will not bring trade-in value, with the exception of new, hot models. Other models will only bring wholesale. As an example, Kia makes a great car, but most will not bring close to trade-in value. Mitsubishi is going through changes and also won't bring close to trade-in value. There are exceptions to the rule: Katrina and Rita-two hurricanes that created a short supply of used cars. If you live in the south, that will be the case for a while. With the exception of a Honda and a Toyota, you can probably be safe offering less than trade-in. Not thousands, mind you, but less.
Take into consideration the other costs of trading for a car. Also, ask the salesperson how long they've had the car. If the salesperson slips up and tells you they've had it a while, your negotiating should be easier. The reason behind that is that the dealer is paying interest on the car every month it does not sell. The book value is also dropping every month so it needs to go.
Throughout the car deal, make sure they know you are paying cash. Don't mention that you have a check from Americredit or whoever. That's none of their business. When you make a deal, insist on the Used Car Manager running a Car Fax before you sign any paperwork. A Car Fax will show if the vehicle has been involved in a serious wreck, was bought back from the original customer or is salvaged. This will put your mind at ease. If you don't like the Car Fax, don't buy the car.
Throughout your shopping, I can't stress this enough-Do NOT fill out credit applications at each dealership. Every time you sign a credit application, the dealer pulls your credit report and your beacon score goes DOWN. That's why I advise on getting approved ahead of time. There are numerous advantages to getting approved ahead of time. The main advantage is that you are in control, not the dealership. That's worth a fortune in itself. Their job is to take control of you from the start of every meeting. Believe me; I know what I'm telling you. I lived that life for a long time.
For some reason, should you not be able to get pre-approved because your credit is extremely bad (a discharged bankruptcy is an instant-approval, by the way), and you have to go through an online clearinghouse like, don't despair. Continue to follow my previous steps and advice and negotiate and insist on a Car Fax report.
When you do decide on a car and go into the Finance Office to sign the papers, I would like for everyone to know that you do not have to purchase any products in order to get the loan. If anyone in Finance tells you that you have to purchase a warranty and credit life to get the loan, which is a bold-faced lie. Why would a Finance Manager do that? Because they work on commission, also. Surprised? Don't be. That's the way dealers set up Finance Offices from the start when they realized how much money could be made. The Finance Manager makes money off of the rate they quote you, the warranty they sell you, the gap insurance and the credit life and disability you buy. That's how they make a living.
I'm not saying that any of these products are bad, though. I believe in extended warranties. I'm just telling you to shop around first. If you find a cheap warranty, check out the company and make sure they will give the dealer a credit card over the phone immediately when in need of repairs in any state. All in all, I will say this-A manufacturers warranty is always better than an after-market warranty. Always. Just negotiate on it if you want it.
The only reason why you would not want gap insurance would be if you literally paid cash for the car. Otherwise, gap is cheap (should retail around $495) and will pay the portion that insurance won't pay if it's totaled. Just remember what I said about the book dropping on a car every month. It will never be worth what you owe unless you put down a lot of money at the time of purchase.
Credit life and Disability insurance are a personal matter. If you have a life insurance policy, it can be used to pay off the car in the event of your death. If you are single, why do you need Credit Life? The only benefit would be if you are married with a family, it cuts down the payout time. In this situation, your spouse would not lose the car.
Disability Insurance pays out for a specified amount of time. It will not pay out for the entirety of the loan. It also has a specified start date from the time you are disabled. It doesn't just kick in immediately.
This is a lengthy article, but the gist of it is this: do your homework at home first. Then get approved online. Then shop on Sunday. Then go get your car and negotiate on everything. It will be the easiest car-buying experience you have ever had.
Regardless of your credit situation, if you follow my steps, you'll have a car in no time and you'll be an educated and informed customer during the process. Good luck!
Alicia Guidry spent 14 years in the retail automobile industry as a finance manager, sales manager and general sales manager.
For additional sources, see:
Bad Credit Car Loan []
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Cheap Car Tires

How Do I Find a Good Used Car?

A good used car is one that has had a vehicle history report run and been found free of flood damage, frame damage, whose odometer has not been rolled back and has consistent odometer reading intervals.
Accident indicators are not necessarily reason to rule it out as all this means is that there was a police report taken on a fender bender however further investigation should be conducted to be sure there was/is not any frame damage.
One that has been checked for and serviced as needed for tune-up, oil lube and filter changed, brakes must (have minimum 50% life left), shocks and struts (must be firm and not leaking), belts checked, hoses checked, electrics (no shorts, alternator is charging battery properly, battery and cables in good condition), exhaust system free of leaks, mounted properly and catalytic converter(s) in good order.
One whose tires are all the same size and brand, except when OEM (original equipment by manufacturer) calls for different sizes, tires have at least 50% of tread on them are worn evenly and are inflated to correct psi (pounds per square inch).
Then clean it, wash it, buff it, shampoo it, put a little dog with its little head bouncing up and down on the back window ledge, hang an air freshener, a Cross, pair of dice, Rosary, Star of David, American flag, graduation tassels, or anything else you can think of on the rearview mirror (after checking with your local authorities and motor vehicle laws to be sure the item or items are not considered obstructions and no we will not be held liable), smack it on the ass and there you have it: A Good Used Car!
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Mistakes to Avoid When Towing a Mobile Car Washing Rig

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If you are going to start a mobile car washing company or a mobile detailing company the first thing you need to decide is if you should get a trailer, or some sort of skid unit put in the back of your pickup. Most people like to tow trailers because they can unhook the trailer at the end of the day and still use the truck as their personal vehicle. That makes sense right?
Sure it does, and that's why so many people do it that way. Now then, let's talk about some of the challenges when towing a mobile car washing rig with 100 gallons or 200 gallon water tank.
It doesn't matter if you have a large water tank inside of a vehicle or on a trailer, that much water swishing around can be a problem. Water tanks on trailers and in trucks or vans are much more dangerous when they are half full, especially if they do not have any baffles. If you come to a stop and the water is still moving back and forth, it can hurt the gears in your transmission, eventually your transmission will fail.
It is also very hard on the brakes, and it takes a lot more power to stop the kinetic energy caused by the movement of the water, and the extra weight of the vehicle. Worse, when it's raining things can get rather dangerous. When the roads are slick, the stopping distance is very poor and it's easy to have a trailer jackknife or have your van or truck slide sideways. It's hard to stop in intersections and it's easy to slide on those large cross-walk markings which are very slick when wet.
Attempting to tow with a vehicle that weighs less than the trailer is not wise without trailer brakes, both surge and/or electric. Let's say you are towing a mobile detail trailer with a half ton or three-quarter ton pickup. If the trailer weighs 1200 pounds, and 200 gallons of water weighs 8 pounds per gallon, now you have 2800 pounds, plus the other equipment and whatever is in the back of your pickup truck. If your trailer isn't perfectly balanced, it could easily cause you to jackknife when turning a corner and hitting the brakes.
Sometimes it makes sense to get a tandem axle trailer which distributes the weight over a larger area, making it much safer. However there are problems with tandem actual trailers as well. Tandem axle trailers rip apart tires, and that costs money. They especially wear quickly if you are making lots of turns in parking lots or in fleet vehicle areas. Therefore, it makes sense to make sharp corners at very slow speeds so that when you are dragging the back wheels on a tandem trailer, you are not taking the tread with you.
Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it, because over the years I've seen far too many accidents, increased insurance premiums, blown out tires, dented front ends, and costly repair bills.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,222 articles by July 22, 2011 at 2:22 PM is going to be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..
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How To Keep Your Car Gleaming New... Always!

1 Comment
Buying a new car is a great feeling. The smell of fresh
leather as you The fresh smell of leather as you enter the
car. The paintwork is gleaming and waxy smooth. You might
even catch yourself stealing a glance at the reflection of
your pride and joy as you drive it out your house.
Skip ahead by 12 months and see how your car looks now. Is
it still gleaming new or does the paintwork look tired, dull
and "old"? How can some cars look brand new even though they
are already 3 years old? Why do others look "old" when it
just rolled out the showroom 12 months ago?
The secret is in how you care for your car. It is easy to
keep your car like new if you know how.
1) A Wash A Week Keeps Your Car Clean & Slick
Much as you wish that your car will remain clean by itself,
it just won’t happen. Dust will accumulate even if you just
keep it in your garage. There’s only one thing to do. Wash
your car! It’s very important that you wash your car
especially after you’ve driven in the rain. If you let the
water droplets dry naturally, especially under the hot sun,
there will be tough-to-remove watermark stains on your
The first thing you need to wash your car is a clean and
soft terry cloth. Alternatively, you can use cloth diapers
as well. You can get these easily at the baby’s section in
your local departmental store. They’re cheap and it works.
Of course, if you want to be posh, then get the Ultimate
Wipe cloth from Meguiar’s
([]). You’ll need a
good car shampoo next. I personally use Meguiar’s NXT
Generation Car Wash
([]). It’s reasonably
priced and a 64oz bottle will last you quite a while.
Start off by hosing down your car to remove any dirt, mud or
grime. Then mix 3 caps-full of shampoo with around 20oz (a
small bucket) of water. Apply the shampoo mixture to your
car using the cloth/diaper. Hose off the shampoo once you’ve
finished shampooing the car. Use your cloth under running
water to wipe off any remaining shampoo residue. It is VERY
important that you wipe your car dry with another clean
terry cloth/diaper. Make sure your entire car is wiped dry.
Next, clean your rims. Brake dust normally accumulates there
and cleaning it will make a huge difference in how your car
looks. It’s pointless to have clean paintwork you’re your
rims are dirty. It’s also advisable to vacuum the inside of
your car every week or every other week. You spend your time
inside the car, so cleaning the interior just makes sense.
2) A Monthly Wax Keeps The Shine To The Max
Waxing your car will keep your paintwork gleaming new. You
can either send it to an auto detailer or do it yourself.
It’s actually not that difficult to wax your car. If you
have an hour or so of spare time, then try waxing your car
It’s important that you wash and wipe dry your car before
waxing. NEVER wax your car before washing/drying it! It’s
best to park your car under in a shady area when waxing. It
makes sense to use a good carnauba wax like Meguiar’s NXT
Generation Tech Wax
([]). Use the
included sponge and apply the wax in a small circular
motion. Wax your car one section at a time, remembering
which section you started with. Finish applying wax on the
entire car.
Wipe off the excess wax using a soft terry cloth/cloth
diaper. Start with the first panel that you applied the wax
and continue from there. You’ll find the wax residue
accumulating on your cloth. Shake it off periodically and
continue to remove excess wax until you’ve finished all
Look carefully and check for remaining wax residue. Use your
cloth to clean any remaining residue.
To prepare your cloth for your next wax, wash it with a
liquid softener. It’s fine to use the liquid softener that
you use for your clothes. This guarantees there isn’t any
remaining dirt/grime that may scratch your car during your
next waxing session.
3) Wax Your Tyre Next O’ Sire
For that shiny, wet look, wax your tyres after every
wash/wax. Use Meguiar’s Hot Shine High Gloss Tyre Spray
([]). The trigger
spray makes it easy to apply. You literally need less than 5
minutes for this but applying tyre spray/wax makes a big
4) Condition That Leather To Help It Fight The Weather
Make sure you clean and condition your leather seats at
least once every 2 months if you car comes with leather
seats. Use Meguiar’s Medallion Premium Leather Care
conditioner ([]).
Apply the conditioner with a clean cloth/cloth diaper, leave
for 15 minutes and wipe off excess conditioner. Your leather
will look and smell like new if you do this every month.
While you’re at it, clean any vinyl surface of your car
using Meguiar’s Vinyl & Leather Cleaner/Conditioner
([]). This
maintains the interior looking like new.
5) Your Car’s Now Shiny So You Can Be Happy
Your car will look like it’s brand new if you follow this
routine. An hour or so every week pays huge dividends.
Friends and family will think you’ve just bought a new car
even though it’s 3 years old. The best thing is when it
comes time to sell your car. A car with gleaming new
paintwork and a clean interior makes a strong impression and
will automatically raise the selling price of your car!
P.S. The writer does not work for Meguiar’s and only
recommends the products as a satisfied customer.
Fantic Carro is the owner of FD Cars [] which is a resource for
car lovers worldwide. For more articles, reviews and tips on
cars, please visit his site below:
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Image is Everything - Secrets to Cleaning Car Fleets

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A recent survey indicated that clean Taxi Cabs Fleets have higher tip rates and repeat customers. How do you wash a taxicab? You do them four at a time and you go up and over and up and over when you are drying them. If they have a little taxi cab sign, dry that last. But you do the rest of the car the way you do a regular car. The only difference is you are going to spray three, four, five, sometimes six cars at a time. Then another crewmember is going to follow behind you and do all the windows really well. You do a quick vacuum with a taxicab. Seriously, you do not want to be in that taxicab for more then a minute or a minute and a half. Now most taxicabs are usually scratched and they look like crap. This is something you are going to have to deal with. This is just the way they are going to look which is good for you because they are not expecting a perfect job. They just want them to look clean because they have their logo on them. Taxi companies are very low budget operations and low cost will get you the account. Some taxicabs are owned by independent contractors. You will need to charge more since the volume is not there. Staging areas at big airports are a good place to find lots of taxicabs.
Rent-a-cars these days are mostly small, tiny cars that get really good gas mileage. They are Toyota Tercels, Ford Contours and Dodge Neons and things like that. You can wash a Dodge Neon in your sleep in about three minutes. Really easy to clean, really, really easy and that is important. You want some accounts that are easy. Three dollars is fair for exteriors, five dollars for in and out is fine. It is important to have efficiency when washing rent-a-cars. No more than two minutes for vacuuming. You only want to clean the windows that are dirty. You do not want to clean all of the windows on a rent-a-car, just where you see fingerprints. You want to wipe off the dash really quick, wipe around the center console and use cleaner on the sticky stuff. Hit the inside windows that are dirty, wash the outside. You want to do them five, six at a time and you want to dry them off real fast, make sure the windows are clean and go to the next car. Rent-a-cars are really good money. You want to charge an extra two dollars for taking out carpet stains. Use some Folex cleaner or advanced carpet stain remover, some kind of a little carpet brush and a towel to wipe up whatever you precipitate at the top of the carpet after you have got it wet. The carpet remover should come off on the towel. There will always be trash in rent-a-cars, a lot of trash. You should have a bucket ready that you just put trash in and move it from car to car. Dump it before you leave. Usually rent-a-cars will have a Dempsey Dumpster around the back where you can dump all of your trash.
Rent-a-car companies are very careful and exacting as to what times of day they want their cars washed. They may have a whole bunch of vehicles in on Monday mornings and want you to do cars on Monday mornings. You are going to have to do the cars at that time. They are probably going to want them done before eight o'clock in the morning. So if you are doing the cars before eight o'clock in the morning and there are twenty or thirty rent-a-cars, it is quite serious that you get them all done in time. The rent-a-car company is paying you so they do not have to drive them to the car wash. It is rather important that you get them done on time. It is really easy to get them all done if you work efficiently. You are doing them six at a time. If you have twenty cars to do, you need to have them done by eight thirty to nine o'clock and you are doing them six at a time, you should have twenty-four cars done in an hour if you are really flying through them and you have the right crew. So pay attention to this. You can afford to do the cars for five dollars each because the job comes out to about one hundred dollars an hour. Think about this for a second. Think about the time and efficiency and how fast can you do them. This attitude is what will help you pick up the rent-a-car company accounts. If you can do them very, very quickly and you can do them not perfectly but good enough to make them happy, there is a lot of money in rent-a-car washing. Our crews in other towns already wash for: Budget, Avis, Dollar, Hertz, Enterprise and generally can afford to wash them and retain a profit at only $5.00 per vehicle.
Police Cars
It is time to talk about police cars. We just saw a police car go the other way with his lights on. In any case, police cars, how do you wash a police car? Well first of all, you wash it like you would wash any normal car but you want to make sure you clean the light bar really well. You do not want to spray water inside the light bar, you will screw up the electronics. You also do not want to, but some of our guys love to do it, spray water inside the PA speaker on the front of the police car that is mounted by the bumper. The reason they like to do that is because it burns them outs and gives them a short. So, you should not do that. Now under the seats of a police car you find all kinds of cool stuff. Best to hand it over to the authorities and not smoke it yourself. You will find crazy stuff under the seats of a police car where you are going to have to clean. Depending on how you feel you can either vacuum the stuff up or put it into a little bag and give it to the watch commander. You need to dust the radios inside of the police car, but you have to be careful not to turn any knobs. There are always bugs on the light bars, but you cannot blast off the bugs as much as you would like to. You really need to soap them off and not blast them off. Sometimes the light bars get real brittle on the older police cars. You can actually blast right through them. I have done it before.
For some reason police like to go 4 X 4' ing when they are going through center dividers in order to catch a terrible criminal such as a speeder. They will go off road and do whatever; maybe they are just having fun. So you have to make sure that you clean all the mud off the police cars, they are a little bit muddier then most cars. The bottoms of the police cars are always muddy and they are going to need hand soaping. Police cars are often black and white. Usually the white part is where the door is so the policeman knows where to get in. The rest of the car is black. Now the part of the car that is black, remember it is black. If you are doing police cars in the sun and you are trying to do them three at a time, you may have a little problem getting to all of them. Some cities have police cars that are all white cars or all green cars or a mixture and that makes it a little bit easier.
There are certain additional things you have to watch for when cleaning police cars. Do not have a bunch of stuff out of your truck when you are washing a line of police cars. Someone may run out of the building and want to take their car. If you cannot move the truck in time you will really frustrate that officer. He wants to look official and squeal the tires out of the parking lot so you may as well just let him do whatever he wants to do.
Driving School Cars
Driving school cars are basically just like rent-a-car companies. The only difference is you want to spend a little more time on the dash board and a lot of time on the windows. You probably need to get five or six dollars each. This is giving them a deal because normally you charge ten dollars for in and out.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.
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Is Your Car Finish Being Eaten Away?

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Washing Your Car Regularly.. Why?
Aside from the obvious of having a car that looks great, car washing can protect the cars finish. Bird droppings and bug splatter can get to be real relentless at different times. Also air bourne contaminant( some we can't even see), all wage a consistent and prolonged attack on your cars finish.
Bug splatter for instance, have acids and particles in them that can eat away at the clearcoat of your car, making it susceptible to rust.The metallic particles that come off the rotor as well as brake dust with its adhesive properties from the factory, and tar, all do damage to your cars paint.
So how can we stop the culprits right in there track, by washing our vehicles regularly!
How and Where To Start
I don't know if you knew this or not, but most of the swirl marks we see on our car is from washing the car. I know you have seen one of those dark colored cars that look real good at a 30000 ft view. However when you get up close it is riddled with swirl marks. They kinda look like cookies.
Why this knowledge is important is that it helps us all to realize, that even though washing a car seems so simple, What is often overlooked is that there is a right and a wrong way to do it. That is the first place to start is with this understanding.
I like to start out by finding products that will not scratch the paint. I use a chenille wash mitt, or a microfiber one. They both do a great job at pulling the dirt away from the paint and holding it in there fibers so that it does not scratch the paint.
Please don,t use dish washing liquid to wash your car with, why? Dish detergent has properties in it that strip the paint of the oils it needs to keep from drying out. So use a good car wash shampoo to wash the car with. I use Meguiars Soft Gel, its ph balanced with no detergents, and has lubricants in it that bring out the gloss in the paint finish.
Washing the Car
Because I do not want those swirl marks on my car, or any car I work on. I use more than one bucket to do my car washing. I recommend to do it that way if you can, cause after you make a pass with the wash mitt its gona be dirty. Instead of constantly washing with the water hose, just dip it in the bucket of fresh water to remove the dirt then back in the soapy water.
With that said, as always I like to wet down the car real good with water to remove what I can before I start car washing and you should too, it gets of some the dirt that I would otherwise have to.(I know call me lazy) Also before you suds away, this is a good time to remove any bugs and tar using a bug and tar remover. Gold Class Bug and Tar Remover is the way to go here.
Then begin by cleaning and doing the Wheels and Tires. I have written an article on that for you, so if you want to start with the article before moving on.
Using a soapy sponge, and with the car wet down apply the bug and tar remover going over the car until you get all those unsitely trouble spots. After you are finished, rinse area with water.
Starting at the Top of the vehicle go ahead start to wash the car, taking a moment between passes to rinse the car off, as you work your way down from the top to the moldings.
Remember clean the wash mit often in order to keep as much dirt as possible, from being introduced back on to the paint. While car washing be sure to get the door jams, the area outlining the trunk and up under the hood in that hood pocket outlining the engine.
Its important to wash the car completely from top down, as the bottom is alway the dirtiest, as well as under the hood area so do those last. Preferably with a different Wash mit either way remember not to introduce a dirty wash mit back on to the paint.
Drying The Car
I like to use a Dual Pile Microfiber towel to dry the car with. Starting with the windows first, go ahead and dry the car off. Then after you get the windows. Start drying from top down like you washed the car. Do the door jams, and Trunk lid, and under the hood, after you have dried all the other panels of the car like we talked about.
That way we continually eliminate the chance for scratches and swirl marks while you are car washing. If washing the car in the sunlight try not to let the water dry on you, or it will leave water spots. So do the car washing out of direct sunlight if at all possible.
You want more great car detailing secrets? Come visit us at for all your car care needs.
K.M.Dodd is a car enthusiast, and an experienced auto detailer with over twelve years in the field of automotive detailing. [] is a growing compilation of his knowledge and expertise. At [] you can read up to date content-rich quality information in an easy to understand style. Written for the Do It Yourself Detailer
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Getting The Best Price For Your Used Car

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You can get the best price for your used car only when a new care of the same model is being sold at the highest price. If a manufacturer gives discounted prices for a new car of the same model, you can't sell your car at the best price. In other words, the best time to sell your used car is when the prices for the model you have are at the highest. Hence the important factor that affects the price of a used car is the price of a new car of that model you have with you. So it is better to wait until the price of a new car of your model goes up rather than selling it when the manufacturer gives discount for a new car of your model.
Preparing your car for selling it is a must. You have to consider what the potential buyer thinks of your car. So you have to maintain the interior and the exteriors of your car properly. If your car is not clean inside and out, the potential buyer may not think positively about your car. This simple issue might make you lose a possible deal. Therefore proper maintenance of your car is essential to fetch a good price for your used car. Some people might overlook some serious problems in the car if the car looks shiny and glowing. Touch up scratches on the exterior and interior. Make up the small dents in it. Balance the tires properly. Clean inside and out. This might fetch you a profitable deal.
The price of your car should take into consideration the mileage and the condition of the car. You might also consider the demand for that model. Cars that have run for more miles are often not preferred and they are considered 'used up'. Hence most of the people prefer cars that have run for fewer miles per year. Usually a potential buyer would consider the price that you have fixed for your car as the asking price and he would negotiate the price. It is always better to have a margin of 5% of the price that you want to sell for so that you can negotiate that 5% with the buyer of your car.
Finding places to sell your used car? There are sites that specialize in selling and buying cars. You can also rely on the local auto traders in your locality to sell them. Or, place classifieds in the newspapers to get your deal.
Complements of [], a premier company which helps the consumer save money on gasoline. Thousands or gas stations across the nation are tracked daily to guarantee the lowest prices on gasoline anywhere in the United States.
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The Safest Cars on the Road

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When you go car shopping you are probably dazzled by the sports cars or even the
big burly SUVs as well as the shiny colors and whether or not the vehicle is fully
loaded. Frequently, you will hear people talking about what car they want to buy and
will hear them mention things like leather seats, a great sound system, DVD players
and mini TV screens, great rims and other similar features. However, unfortunately,
you do not frequently hear people talking about the safety rating of the vehicle and
how well it performed in crash tests or if it has recently been recalled. For some
reason Americans are more consumed with how comfortable and cool their car is
and makes them rather than how safe it can keep them. However, even if consumers
are not overly interested in safe cars insurance companies are.
Insurance companies focus on keeping people safe, reducing accidents, and
ultimately the amount of money they have to pay out for coverage. So, safe cars are
the pick of the litter so to speak for insurance companies. They are so favored, in
fact, that insurance companies frequently offer discounts to individuals who buy
safe cars resulting in hundreds of dollars in savings each year on premiums. Safe
does not mean the car is unattractive or without all the extras you want, so get it
out of your head that safe does not equal cool.
And while the trend may not change and people will continue to look for cool cars,
they should keep in mind that there are indeed cool cars that are also safe cars.
Each year a rating list of the top 25 safest cars is produced and if you are in the car
buying market you should definitely take a peak and see if the car you are
interested in buying is on that list. If not, check out the other safe cars that did
make the list and see if you can find something that is equally cool and considerably
safer. The following cars made it on the safe car list and also have some amazing
features that will please even the pickiest car connoisseur.
Upscale Cars
If you are interested in and can afford an upscale car and are also concerned about
safety, then you should consider the Audi A4 or perhaps the BMW 330i. The Lexus
ES300 also ranked high in the crash tests and overall safety in the upscale sedan
Small Cars
Small cars that rank high on the top 25 safety car list include the Volkswagen golf
and Honda Civic which received the top honors. Another safe car in this category
includes the Volkswagen Jetta.
Midsize Cars
Volkswagen also took the top prize in the midsize category with the Volkswagen
Passat GLX 6.0. The Nissan Altima and Subaru Legacy also ranked high in the mid
size family sedan category.
Everyone thinks pickup trucks are safe, however some are safer than others and
generally pick up trucks are not as safe as cars. In the top 25 safest cars the Toyota
Tundra SR5 4.7, Ford F150 XLT 5.4, and the Dodge Ram SLT 4.7 ranked higher and
safer than the rest.
Minivans and SUVs
The minivan and SUV category have an interesting array of really safe vehicles and
then some that are hazards to drivers and passengers. Minivans that responded well
in the tests include the Toyota Sienna, Honda Odyssey EX, and the Mazda MPV. The
safest SUVs include the Lexus RX300, Toyota Highlander, and the Saturn VUE as well
as others.
Of course, you could choose to buy a safe vehicle and still be injured in an accident.
This is because there is no perfect car that is constructed in a way that it can protect
you 100%. However, there are plenty of cars that are significantly safer than others
and as a result consumers should pay attention to these cars. Fortunately, some of
the safer models are actually very stylish and come with the latest gadgets and
features so many people are looking for in a new car. So, no matter if you want the
coolest car on the market you can still find one that is rated high in the safety
category. Honda, Lexus, BMW, Saturn, Volkswagen, and others all ranked high in
their respective categories and are all very popular car models. Also, cars today are
significantly safer than they were even 15 years ago and tires are safer as well.
If you buy a used vehicle that is 10-15 years old you can rest assured it will not
have the same safety qualities as new cars made today. The reason for this is safety
standards were different as well as the technology used to build the cars. As a
result, older cars simply are not as safe. The best option for your safety and that of
your family and other passengers is to buy a car that is ranked high on the safety
list and rest assured that if you are in an accident your car will protect you as much
as possible because it was designed with safety in mind. By making safety one of
the qualities you look for in a vehicle, even above price or design, you are choosing
to protect yourself and your family, which is the best decision you can possibly
make. Remember to take a look at the top 25 list before you start car shopping. Not
only are the top 25 cars in all categories listed, but some of the worst cars are listed
as well so you will know what to avoid. Happy car shopping!
Steven Anderson is the Marketing Director for Hawaiian Discount Car Rentals ( He has personally researched and experienced many of the Hawaiian activities and as described above.
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Kit Cars - Build Your Dream

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Kit Cars are cars that can be purchased in kit form and assembled at home. It is common for Kit Car enthusiasts to obtain their material from several "donor cars". There are a lot of Kit Car enthusiasts out there and people enter the Kit Car hobby for different reasons. Working with your hands and assembling something from the beginning can be extremely relaxing and riding in a car that you have built yourself is an indescribable experience. Kit Cars are however not for everyone, and if you know that you become frustrated by having to change your wind shield wipers a Kit Car might not be a wise idea.
Assembling a Kit Car can be a way of getting a cheaper car, but you should keep in mind that you will need a place to work in as well as the necessary tools. A lot of Kit Cars are assembled not primarily because they are cheaper than ordinary cars, but because a Kit Car can be made to suit your own particular needs and fill niches where it is hard to find ordinary cars. One of the most well known Kit Cars is for instance the Dune Buggy. The Dune Buggy is also known as Beach Buggy and Sand Rail. This Kit Car is not intended for high ways; it is a recreational vehicle that can be used on beaches and sand dunes where ordinary cars experience problems. The Dune Buggy is small and low-weight and has much larger wheels and tires than a normal car. The engine is mounted on an open chassis that is perfect for hot summer days at the beach. The Dune Buggy is usually constructed from older Volkswagen Beetles.
Kit Cars are also popular due to the possibility to create a car that resembles historic or contemporary cars. One of the most frequently replicated cars is the AC Cobra. The original AC Cobras was powerful and stylish Anglo-American sports car that was creating during the 1960s. In 1968, the last Roadster platform was produced which put an end to the AC Cobra since the AC Cobra was built on this platform. The public had however taken a liking to the potent and beautiful AC Cobra and Kit Car enthusiast started to build their own AC Cobras. Today, there exist more Kit Car AC Cobra cars than original AC Cobra cars. Some of these Kit Cars are exact replicas while others are only inspired by the original AC Cobra. Some replicas can even be said to be improved versions of the original AC Cobra, since the Kit Car builders can utilise the inventions and automobile engineering advances.
The Kit car enables you to have the car of your dreams, You can for exampel use a Hummer kit [] to build your own hummer to cruise around the city and country in. You can also take your kit Hummer and modify it to create your own custom Hummer [].
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Days of the Aftermarket Parts Auto Performance and Car Accessories?

Aftermarket car accessories and performance parts have always been in the midst of all generations of car lovers. But since the turn of the century people of all generations and people from all over the world have really gotten into and taken pride into changing their car into something that is more then a regular day to day car and more of a work of art. The level of such dedication for these car lovers starts with basic car upgrades which then turn into something they really take pride into. Upgrading the look of the car is usually one of the first modifications that people attempt in customizing their car. This always starts with a body kit for your car. It is always recommended that you have your car body kit put on by a professional body shop, because generally speaking they know what they are working with and know what they are doing. But if you feel confident about taking the task at hand of customizing, drilling and other minor to major modifications to make that body kit fit more power to you then.
Aftermarket Body parts are best left to the professionals if you have no experience of little and are not sure if you can not get the body kit installed correctly. The Beauty of aftermarket car accessories is that they truly give you that one special car because it is customized to fit your needs and your wants as far as looks is concerned. You are totally in control as to how your car will look and perform from Interior, Exterior, wheels, performance, and engine dress up. Keep one thing in mind you get what you paid for, so when you do turn your car into a show stopper, remember one thing in mind that its your car, customized by you and only for you. There are many brand and types to chose form the market of automotive accessories is very much alive and people are truly turning their rides into something they can enjoy for years to come.
Car Pro Mods specializes in auto parts performance and auto accessories, cold air intakes and performance upgrades, car body kit, hid kit, exterior accessories, glow gauges and interior accessories, wheels and tires, electronics and vertical lambo doors. You can also visit the Car Pro Mods Discussion Forum here to discuss modifications to your ride with other users to get help and tips to turn your Car into a Dream Car.
Samir Hussain Born in germany and raised in the united states. I have always been a big car lover, which is why I love modifing my car and theaftermarket car accessories which really gave me a change to turn my car into a work of art. To learn more bout me please visit the site.
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How to Avoid Depreciation in Your Car

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The average car will cost you between $650 and $850 a month because of the car payment, insurance, gasoline, and maintenance. The largest depreciating asset you will probably buy. There are ways to reduce these costs, but can you avoid auto depreciation altogether? There is little you can do to stop depreciation, though the one thing you can control is how much you buy your car for and somewhat how much you sell it for. Though the car is always depreciating, the effective depreciation (total loss over the time you own your car) can be minimized or eliminated by properly controlling your buy price, sell price, and time held.
Automobile price movement, like the stock market is stochastic: a combination of random price movements trending in a general direction. The price direction of a car is more predictable than the stock market: always downward, though you do get a slight increase in the summer months as more people are buying. As the price moves down, selling prices fluctuate quite dramatically above and below the average price. As a result, a car selling on average for $20,000 may represent a broad range of sales between $18,000 and $22,000 dollars. This standard deviation will increase as the price of the car increases and the supply of the car decreases. As a result, you will get a tighter spread in a Toyota Camry as compared to a comparably priced BMW.
So to eliminate the cost of your car, simply buy at the low end of the price spectrum and sell at the high end of the spectrum. This is exactly what dealers do, they buy your car at a low price and then sell you one of their makes at a higher price. They then trade yours to another dealer for one which fits best on their lot (the underworld of dealer auto auctions). If you trade in a BMW at a Lexus dealership, the dealer will probably sell that BMW at auction and buy a Lexus at auction, because they know that people are coming to their dealership to buy a Lexus. They can expect to turn cars quicker and for a higher price because of this. Having another car on the lot is competition. Dealers will usually lose some money selling the trade in at auction, but the cost is worth it.
This is not always the case, however. As long as a trade in is not on the selling lot it is not competing with their other cars. If they can get more money for the car and not lose regular business, they will offer this car to consumers. These cars are the ones you typically see being sold by dealers on Ebay or as internet only specials on their website. You should expect to pay book trade in value for one of these vehicles. Whether you buy privately or from the backlot of a dealer, either way you will probably pay less for your vehicle, meaning less effective depreciation over time.
To find these deals, know exactly what you want and then keep a close eye on internet listings, including ebay in your target area, you can also call up a dealership directly. Let them know you are from out of the area and are looking for a good deal on a specific car. If they don't have it, they may put you on a notification list, and will definitely check out the upcoming dealer auction listings. If they can buy the car at auction for less than you are willing to pay, they may buy it for you, because it is small but easy money for them.
Finding a good deal on a car is not so difficult for the patient buyer, but buying the car is only half the process. The next questions is how long should you keep the car? If you buy a car for $10,000 which you can logically sell for $12,000, then there is no depreciation until the selling price drops below 10,000 at which point it depreciates just like normal. Therefore, to completely eliminate the cost of owning the car, sell the car before this point. You will have effectively erased depreciation on the car. As a bonus, you may also be able to reduce maintenance costs because you can selectively choose cars which you know will not need predictable maintenance in the coming year (i.e. new tires, brakes, belts, etc.)
I personally buy and sell luxury cars annually. Luxury cars because prices flucutuate in a wider range; and annually because that is typically about the time it takes for a car to depreciate to my buying price. The best time of the year for me to sell a car is near the end of summer when annual prices are high; and buy 2 months later, when the market is flooded with new cars and used car prices are at their annual low. Drive this car for 10 months and resale at the end of summer. Keep a simple vehicle around to drive during that time you are looking for your next car.
This strategy is not for everyone; it reduces only about half the cost of owning a car and can take a lot of patience. If you enjoy owning different cars and trying new things, this strategy may be right for you.
Kari Hoopes: Editor of [], writing articles [] to help people make better consumer and financial decisions.
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Prestige Cars - Flaunt Your Style

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For thousands of people around the world owning a car has always been a dream. Though the dynamics of today's society have changed a lot and owning a car has almost become a necessity more than a luxury, still there are some cars which are the objects of fantasy for a many of us. We know such cars by several names as luxury cars or premium cars or better still prestige cars. Owning one is a matter of pride and here we are to tell you, why it is exactly so.
Firstly a little background check, prestige cars are in theory a little different from luxury cars. Though they are worth a lot more than a standard vehicle just like the latter, at times they do not have all the facilities to make them the so called "luxury cars". At the same time, there may be cars that do offer a lot of amenities but still be not be considered as luxury cars, as they cost relatively lower than the normally considered luxury cars.
The prestige cars are manufactured in limited numbers to retain their exclusivity, which automatically makes them more valuable. Many prestige cars may be simple plain cars or mostly SUVS (Sports Utility Vehicles). These cars focus a lot on the way they look and appear and perform equally well. Some of these cars are deliberately designed to look traditional to please those with conservative tastes.
As they say, 'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder', but prestige cars are such that they enchant any one who sights them even for a jiffy. They have an aura about them that you cannot miss being captivated by them. The design of any car is of prime importance, as it is that which casts a good first impression on its potential buyers. Flattering curves, catchy colors, sturdy but sleek built and an overall classy look make a prestige car your neighbors envy! These cars have ample space to make you feel comfortable and give you the much-needed privacy.
They do give you a space to call your own! Prestige car models may have different interiors as per the consumers' convenience and taste. Besides the normal features that make a good car, some of these cars offer a few of these facilities that are way more than what you would have ever asked for-Safety features like several front and side airbags, well-equipped first aid and tool kits, bulletproof glass windows, tinted windows for more privacy, facilities to detect obstacles that will avoid accidents and even easy accessibility in dim-lit/night conditions, good grip of the tires avoiding skidding, anti-lock brakes, powerful engines, cars that run on very less fuel, seats adjustable to suit your posture, smooth drive, very accessible interiors where you will find everything where you wished it was placed, heaters for winter, enough space for the people sitting at the back to stretch their legs, plenty of cup/glass holders, interiors and seats made with the finest quality materials, and technology that you would have only read about before owning one of these cars.
It is not only the comfort attribute that makes the prestige cars so special. It is also about the way they conserve energy and help to keep the environment safe and healthy. For instance some prestige cars use solar energy to their maximum benefit. This energy then can be used to power the different electronic gadgets that function inside the car like stereos, lights and air conditioners, automatic doors and windows, etc, when the car is not functional. There is also a GPS system installed in many cars, which will never allow you to get lost!
These cars definitely define your status, but before jumping into buying one, there are a few things one should know and understand. Prestige cars being highly sort after require a significant investment when compared to your standard vehicle. At the same time the new owner must be prepared to protect their investment by having it serviced by qualified dealers. The spare parts may not be readily available in the market and the usual garage repairing methods may not be sufficient for them. Such cars initially, even take a lot of practice and time to drive and to get familiar with. But once you know your car like your baby, be assured to have the ride of your life! Almost all prestige car dealers let you take control of the vehicle and test drive it before you can decide which one is the best for you. For if you do not try it, how will you know it?
So if speed is your fodder, comfort your weakness, if money is the last hindrance and all you ever dreamt of was owning such an elegant and exuberant piece of beauty, a prestige car is beckoning you with open arms-go have a treat...
Lance Dixon has been a leader in the Melbourne Prestige Car business since 1965.
He owns and runs several prestige car dealerships in Melbourne.
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The Best Buying Tips for used car

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Many smart consumers contend that buying used cars is just the same as buying new ones if the buyer knows how to buy used cars.
So, to help those who wish to buy a car but cannot afford a new car, here are some of the best tips that can be implemented when buying a used car.
1. Research
It is extremely important for an individual to conduct some research when buying used cars. In this way, the buyer will be able to know the ideal make and model to buy, the kind of performance to seeks, and the prices in the market.
Moreover, the risk of buying used cars is lessened if the buyer knows the important details.
2. Check the cars history
The car's history will definitely provide the buyer some solid information regarding the performances, repairs, and problems of the car. So if you CAN discover some history it would be to your advantage. In this way, the buyer will be able to compare and differentiate one car from the other. There are instances wherein used cars are being sold because of some past accidents or negative experiences. Buyers might consider more if the car he or she is about to buy has a history like this one.
3. Check the safety features
What more can you expect with a used car but it does not necessarily mean that the buyer will neglect the availability of safety features in the car.
By all means, an ideal car must possess safety features, whether it is old or new. According to some reports, almost 80% of the accidents are heightened because safety features are not available in the car.
4. Buyers should be wary about the documents that are included when buying used cars.
Buyers should be sure that the car is not stolen, there are no liens on the vehicle, and that the one who signed on the "Bill of Sale" is the true vendor and the possessor of the property.
5. Before buying a used car, it is best to meticulously inspect the overall condition of the car first. Buyers should be wary of any rust or damage; the tires should be checked, etc.
Indeed, buying a used car can be very tedious. Nevertheless, it will give the buyer some satisfaction and assurance that what he or she has bought is a good buy.
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How to Make the Most of Your Used Car Listings

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Rather than searching for car dealers to sell the used car for you, why don't you sell it yourself?
Here are the steps for your successful used car listing:
1) Set the price - Determine a competitive market value of your used car. Second hand car values could be found on your local classified ads for similar cars being sold and on certified used car dealership online.
Determine the minimum price you would accept for possible negotiations. Be aware that buyers do their research and having a lower price than others would generate more inquiries.
When your price has been set, consider the most attractive ad to publicize.
2) Groom the vehicle - For buyers, appearance is everything. Make sure that before you place an advertisement; inspect your used car inside and out. To make the most profit, take care of minor and major maintenance issues of the vehicle.
3) Prepare vehicle record - Presenting the buyers with complete maintenance logs and receipts is a powerful selling tool. Prepare paperwork of services done such as oil change, tire and battery replacement and warranties for each.
4) Obtain a car history report - To show that the used car has a clean record with the law and past accidents, purchase a car report from your local department of motor vehicles. The biggest fear of buyers is purchasing a used car that has been in a wreck. The car history report would reveal if the vehicle has been in a major collision in the past.
5) The advertisement - Ad options include newspaper classifieds, magazines or online listings. However, the most cost-effective and useful tool for marketing is by placing an online ad.
* Photo: Although majority of car listings online do not require photos, eighty-five percent of used car buyers search for car listing with photos.
* Details: Provide a complete description of your car even if you have uploaded a photo. Use extra details and words that would grab the buyers' attention. Do not forget to place a contact number to be reached.
6) Sell - Since you know your car's worth, negotiate a fair price. To finalize the sale, you should have two copies of the bill of sale, a receipt that transfers ownership of the car, for you and the buyer.
Once you sold your used car, you'll be glad you made the most out of your car listing since there was no car dealer involved and all the profit is yours.
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Monday, April 2, 2012

Buying a Used Car

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It can be a nightmare, especially if one has a budget.
Why one should buy a used car? Obviously because one cannot afford to buy a new car. Buying either a used or a new car is complicated because of the wide variety of automobiles and models in the market. If one has a fixed budget, it may be hard to get a car of one's choice.
Generally the factors that should be considered while buying a car are the price, the make and model of the car, the condition, the mileage, repairs required, safety and emission testing etc. There could be many other factors that one has to consider while purchasing a car.
A used car can be purchased from a used car dealer, directly from car owners, from brokers or from government sources. There are many seized cars available from public agencies as well.
There are some varieties of cars which are in high demand. This is especially so with some Japanese cars. These cars are in high demand and have a good resale value.
In fact resale value should have a higher weightage while buying a second car. This is because if one does not like a previously owned car, one should be able to resell it without much loss of value.
One has to be careful while buying an old car. One should know a little bit of mechanics also. The usual things that one should check are the type of transmission, the engine size, mileage, condition of the body, tires, exhaust system, alignment, condition of seats, availability of air conditioning, air bags, power locks, power seats etc.
It is hard to find a vehicle that matches all the desired features. And when there is a tight budget as well, there is usually a chance of give and take.
Obviously, price is one of the main factors. One has to compare prices of the same vehicle at different places. Generally cars offered for sale by owners will be cheaper than those being sold by car dealers.
The sources of used autos are newspapers, auto magazines, Ebay, other online websites, posters, used car dealers, friends and colleagues, TV, radio, liquidators, car mechanics etc.
While buying, one should be careful because this is an unregulated market, with no warranties, lack of full details about a car, blind spots etc. One may find a gem some time and may also get a junk.
Many times it may be better to buy a car through a used auto dealer because the dealer may take the responsibility, may be more open and professional, may reveal more, may be more cautious, and provide complete service. All this depends upon the level of comfort that one will have while buying an older vehicle.
The author has background in business, economics and finance. He is presently researching in finding ways to make money and working on the following website and blogs:
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Tips To Reduce Your Car Insurance Rates

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When you are out looking at a new or used car, you always look at the price and mentally calculate whether or not you can afford the payments. But one of the things that you need to also factor in is the cost of car insurance for that vehicle. Now more than ever before, car insurance rates are playing a major factor in determining how much it will cost you to drive that car every month.
One of the big questions in the minds of most consumers is whether or not "cheap" car insurance is worth it. In an ideal situation, you will never have to use it anyway, since you are not planning on getting into an accident, having your car stolen, having the car catch on fire, or having someone steal the tires and bumpers off of it. But we do not live in an ideal world and you cannot anticipate what MIGHT happen, so the car insurance companies need to play a part in how much money you put out to drive that car.
Does "cheap" car insurance really cover you? You need to take the time to read all that fine print and make that determination. It is all spelled out, and must be spelled out by law, but many people do not take the time to read all that fine print, and only discover that they are not covered when they need to file a claim. For example, if a tree branch falls on your car and totals it, if you did not read the fine print, you did not realize that your car is not covered if the tree is an OAK tree. For a pine tree or an elm tree, you would have been covered, but not with an oak tree.
While that may seem like a silly example, it is not all that far from the truth when you look at some of the exclusions that are in "cheap" car insurance policies. That is not to say that all cheap car insurance policies contain absurd exclusions in coverage, but you don't know that until you take the time to read the fine print of the policy, which must outline exactly what is and is not covered. If you do not take the time to read that, or even worse, simply take the insurance agent's word for it, shame on you.
Like with anything else, you need to make sure you are comparing apples to apples so you know who REALLY has the best price. If one policy is significantly cheaper than another policy, be a detective and search to find out why. You are likely to find that the cheaper policy does not include theft coverage, or that the deductible is $1000 instead of $250, or a huge variety of other items.
To keep your car insurance as low as possible, make sure you are comparing apples to apples, but also keep the following tips in mind:
1. Consider the car itself. Different cars have different rates and it is not just based on the value of the vehicle. Some vehicles are more in demand for car thieves, some are easier to steal, some have a really poor crash safety rating, etc. If you are in love with three different cars, factor in the different cost of insurance for each.
2. Consider the deductible. Your premiums will be different for a $100 deductible versus $250 or $500 or $1000. Also note that you can usually have different deductible amounts for different things, like $250 deductible on collision but $100 deductible on theft. You can reduce your premiums by raising your deductible.
3. Consider getting a car with anti-theft and/or safety devices in it, or if it is not equipped that way, consider having those things installed. But before you do, find out how much they will reduce your car insurance premiums, because with some policies, the devices may not make any appreciable difference.
And the overall best way to keep your car insurance premiums as low as possible is to take care of your car and drive carefully. Always lock your car, and drive carefully by observing posted speed limits and road signs. A moving violation ticket gets reported to the car insurance company, who is likely to raise your rates as a result.
For more information about Tips For Best Car Insurance Rates please visit our web site at
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Car Accessories for Those Who Have Passion for Fashion

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There is a lot of difference between a car and a good car. The difference has little things to do with the cost of the car. Leave alone the highly expensive cars like Lamborghini, Bugatti, Lexus, Roles Royce; all the other cars need to be maintained well to get the label of being good. Without proper maintenance, they will be simply cars, not a good car. And there is perhaps no better way to make a car good than to equip it with accessories!
Those who want their car to be merely the means of daily commuting may remain happy with a simple box on wheels. But those who have craving for comfort and a passion for fashion would certainly like to stylize their set of wheels. And it is car accessories that provide them with materials to adorn their car. For all kind of accessorizing, the automobile market has a gamut of options to offer.
When a car zings down the road, the parts of it that bears the maximum pressure are the wheels. The swift running of the wheels also makes a good view. So, it befits that you use the wheels that are highly reliable and extremely beautiful. In this regard, MOMO Corse car wheels can be given a try. They are made of aluminum and magnesium and lighter in weight. They are better heat conductor; hence they improve heat dissipation from brakes.
This quality of MOMO Corse car wheels helps them reduce the chances of brake failure. It is because of this wheels from this company is frequently used by racing car drivers all around the world. What more, they are unbeatable in their beauty! The scene of a car moving swiftly on the road with MOMO tires is really amazing! Along with wheels, there are so many other car accessories that can be used to beautify the interior as well as exterior a car.
Alexus Devon is a automobile writer specializing in automobile and car accessories products and has written authoritative articles on the car accessories industry. He has done his Master in Business Administration and is currently assisting directcaraccessories as a car accessories specialist.
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